5 tips to get back into work at Level 3


Now that we’re at Alert Level 3, a lot of tradies will be heading back to work. As much as you might be raring to go after being stuck at home for so long, make sure that you’re still looking after yourself and others, and following all of the on-site protocols to keep everyone safe.

Here are some great tips to get you back into it!


1. Take it easy

As we said, you’re probably full of energy and motivation and you just want to get the job done. But remember that because you’ve likely not been using your muscles and your mind the same way over the past few weeks, it might take a little while to feel back to normal. Yes, get the job done, but give yourself plenty of breaks where you can, and ask for help when you need it.


2. Get prepped

Under Level 3, each worksite will have a few protocols put in place, including a COVID-19 plan, washing stations, and social distancing rules. Before you start any work, make sure you’re on top of all of these new changes, and that you know what you need to do to keep yourself, your colleagues and your clients safe. If you’re not sure, ask your site manager – if something isn’t clear, or the right protocols aren’t in place, don’t hesitate to give some feedback too.


3. Keep it clean

We can’t stress this enough – wash your hands. Hygiene needs to be a high priority on site right now to stop the spread of the virus. No one wants to go back to Level 4, so let’s get it right. Don’t share tools, or if you really need to, make sure they’re disinfected properly before and after each use. If you need PPE, make sure you’ve got it and that it works as it should.


4. Maintain your distance

We know that with COVID-19, you can still carry and spread the virus even if you have no symptoms. This is why it’s important to keep that 2 metre distance between yourself and others. If you need to work closely alongside someone, try to keep at least 1 metre apart, and wear the right protective gear. It can be easy to forget this rule when you’re in fairly close quarters, but it’s super important right now.


5. Don’t take chances

If you or one of your teammates start to feel sick, or you’ve been around someone who’s sick, report it to your site manager immediately. It’s just not worth putting the team and the wider community at risk, so if you’re not feeling 100%, stay home. Even if it’s just a cough or cold, don’t take any chances at times like this.


For more information and updates, visit chasnz.org/covid19.

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