Looking to motivate your team after the holidays? Try these 6 tips


Now that the Christmas holidays are winding down, you’ll likely be looking toward the new year and the goals you have for your business. As the owner of the business, you might be feeling ready to jump straight back in, but remember that not everyone will feel the same. Motivate your team to start the new year with a bang, by trying out some of these helpful tips.

1. Ease them back in

It can be tough to get back into the swing of things after having a break, so don’t expect your team to come back to it guns blazing. Allow them to ease back into it in the first week as much as possible – without compromising work of course. Don’t throw huge tasks at them first thing, and let them take breaks when they need it.

2. Keep morale high

To start the year off right, you could host a casual team lunch, or suggest your team get out into the sunshine for regular breaks. If you’re feeling ultra generous, you could offer a longer lunch break, or allow them to finish a little earlier to help them recharge.

3. Get them excited about the goals of the business

By taking the time to share your own enthusiasm about where you see the business going this year, you’ll hopefully encourage your team to feel the same way. Ask them to share any goals they have for this year, both personal and professional, and offer your support to help them achieve those goals.

4. Show your appreciation

For your team to feel motivated, it’s important that they feel like they are contributing to the business and are valued for what they bring to the table. Having a catch up with your team at the start of the year gives you a good platform to show your appreciation and ask what they would like to see from you this year.

5. Lead by example

If you’re excited to start the new year and you’re putting in the effort to keep everyone’s spirits high, it’s likely that this will rub off on your team. Model the behaviour and work ethic you expect from them, and they’ll soon pick up on it and want to do their best too.

6. Offer your support

Just because it was the holiday break, that doesn’t mean that everyone on your team actually had a restful break. Some people may be exhausted from a big year, or have come back to a big workload that they might need your help to get through. Organise a one-on-one check in with each member of your team to see how everyone is feeling.

How do you motivate your team to get back into it after the holidays?

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